Exploration and digital deployment
Through this support, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) fosters the appropriation of digital technology by artists and organizations for the purposes of creation, dissemination, and promotion, and supports them in their efforts to optimize the discoverability of digital content.
Go to Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window and complete your grant application online.
Before submitting an application, artists are advised to read the program over carefully. If you have any questions after reading the program or if there is anything else you would like to clarify, please email or phone the program manager. The manager can also provide information and advice on how to present your project and what to include in your application.
Did you know?
The CALQ encourages artists and organizations to obtain international identification numbers (ISNI, ISRC, ISAN, etc.) to increase the discoverability and visibility of their works in the digital world.
This measure is part of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec’s strategy for the development of digital creativity in culture, (Stratégie pour l’essor de la créativité numérique en cultureThis link will open in a new window), the objective of which is to support the growth and visibility of digital creativity in Québec and around the world.
For years, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) has been supporting artists and artistic organizations in adopting digital tools and new technology for research, creation, production, presentation, promotion and content discoverability.
As part of this measure, the CALQ fosters the development of artistic projects using digital technology by artists and artistic organizations. It aims to encourage experimentation and innovation, stimulate discussion and the development of expertise, and encourage collaboration between the artistic sector, the cultural and creative industries, and the research sector.
The CALQ would like the projects supported to interest Québec audiences in different expressions of digital creativity and help increase access to culture for different audiences.
Examples of creative projects previously supported:
- Ready-to-wear solos – fall collection, a route of 8 dance shorts, Danse K par K
- Immersive, ambulatory digital theatre creation for teens, Gabrielle Côté (theatre)
- Mixed music for classical and electric guitar played live. Virtual and automated guitars played by artificial intelligence, Jullian Hoff (classical music)
- Against the backdrop of climate change and resource limits, develop a prototype of an ecological house in recycled plastic, printed in 3D and suited to Québec’s northern climate, Gianpierio Moretti (architecture)
- Exploration of the possibilities offered by laser cutting for building miniature, wooden sets for video projection. Experimentation with augmented and virtual reality technologies, Étienne Rochon (visual arts)
- Collaborative work created through the popular notes on Instagram stories. From content to visual choices, followers decide on how a still life will evolve through 3D animation, Cyrielle Tremblay (visual arts)
- Creation and production of a hypermedia video fiction with content drawn from a mobile artistic game platform in alternate reality and presented through a cluster of web sites, Projet Eva (digital arts)
- Development of the piece Eve 2050 composed of an interactive digital series, an interactive installation with performance, and an Italian run stage piece, Van Grimde Corps Secrets (dance)
- Production and presentation of a virtual reality immersive theatre piece, Joe, Jack et John (theatre)
- Foster experimentation, innovation, research and artistic creation.
- Support the use of digital technologies for creation, production, presentation and promotion.
- Encourage connections and/or collaboration between artists and digital creation studios, research institutions and cultural venues.
- Foster access to and visibility of works by the public.
Types of potential projects
- Research or creation projects that use technologies as defined in the Stratégie pour l’essor de la créativité numérique.[i] They may be hybrid works.
- Development of new types of works for digital cultural content presentation platforms.
- Experimentation and creation projects developed in collaboration with a partner that is an expert in digitally assisted artistic creation, in creative or research industry sectors.
[1] Video projection, architectural projection, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), stereoscopy techniques, lighting and luminescence techniques, artificial intelligence (AI) and automatic learning, visual effects, intelligent devices, 3D modelling and environments, computer-generated imaging, traditional and 3D printing, motion capture, 3D scanning, robotics and more.
Target applicants
This program is for professional artists from all disciplines supported by the CALQ This link will open in a new window.
To be eligible, the applicant must satisfy the General criteria and conditions for this program.
General conditions
In keeping with the Act respecting the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, only individuals who carry out on their own an activity covered by this program are eligible for financial aid. If you are a shareholder of a corporation or a partnership or if you are employed by a non-profit organization, you may apply only for personal projects that are not part of the activities of the company or the organization in question.
- To be eligible, you must meet one of the following conditions :
- have participated in at least one production independent of or subsequent to your education, presented in a context recognized by peers in circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, popular song, film and video art, storytelling, spoken word creation in the literary domain, dance, music or theatre.
OR - have disseminated a work or body of work publicly at sites or in a context recognized by peers in digital arts, visual arts (including comic strips) and arts and crafts, or have publicly disseminated a work in architectural research. These works must have been produced independent of or subsequent to your training.
OR - have published, in a context recognized by peers, at least one book or three texts in a literary genre eligible for the CALQ. Electronic publications and self-published works are also eligible. A context recognized by peers does not include the university research and academic publishing milieus.
- have participated in at least one production independent of or subsequent to your education, presented in a context recognized by peers in circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, popular song, film and video art, storytelling, spoken word creation in the literary domain, dance, music or theatre.
If you meet the eligibility criteria in one discipline, you may present a project in any of the disciplines supported by the CALQ.
Professional artist
To be eligible, you must be a professional artist and have minimal experience in one of the disciplines supported by the CALQ. The CALQ considers professional artists those who:
- declare themselves to be professional artists;
- produce works or practice an art on their own behalf or offer services for payment, as creators or performers, in disciplines within the CALQ’s jurisdiction;
- have been recognized by their peers;
- publicly present or perform works at sites or in a context recognized by their peers.
For the purposes of this program, the term “artist” also includes writers, storytellers, architects and craftspersons.
To be recognized as an independent curator in the disciplines of visual arts, arts and crafts, architectural research, digital arts, and film and video art, you must:
- have produced independent projects;
- have to your credit at least one public presentation and have published at least one critical text in a professional context;
- have professional experience in organizing artistic projects;
- not be employed full time as a curator in an arts organization.
The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant as contemplated in section 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. In both instances they must normally reside in Québec and have resided there for at least the preceding 12 months.
Applicants who have resided outside Québec for two or more years are considered ineligible for the Conseil's programs, unless they have maintained their status as a Québec resident.
In this instance, it is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate his eligibility by submitting proof of participation in Québec's health insurance plan, as administered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec.
These rules govern all CALQ grant programs.
You can submit up to five separate applications and receive a maximum of five grants per CALQ fiscal year, from April 1st to March 31st. All applications submitted, including those deemed ineligible, are counted in the annual maximum.
Applications with a fixed date:
The fiscal year a grant application falls under is indicated under the application date for each program in the ''Presentation of the application'' section. You can only submit one application per registration.
Apply any time:
Travel, Circulation of Works Within Québec, Circulation of Works Outside Québec:
Applications submitted between March 1st and 31st inclusively are counted for the following fiscal year.
Others :
Applications received between February 24 and March 31st inclusively will be recorded in the following fiscal year.
You may not have more than three projects being considered, supported or under way at the same time.
If you have received financial support from one of the CALQ’s grant programs, you must produce a Grant Use Report within three months after the completion of the project. To be eligible to submit a new application, you must have submitted Grant Use Reports for all projects that have reached their end, and these reports must be approved by the CALQ. The official end date for the project is the date you set when applying.
Failure to meet deadlines for the submission of projects will render your application ineligible.
- Incomplete applications.
- Projects for presenting shows that involve physical distancing.
- Projects commissioned for television.
- Projects related to televisions series and video clips.
- Projects for platforms, recording shows, updating websites, and purchasing software and office technology.
- Projects supported by another CALQ program.
- Activities already completed as of the application date.
Please also consult the general list of ineligible projetcts This link will open in a new window.
Eligible expenses
The grant applies to direct project development expenses such as:
- fees for participating artists and partners
- professional fees (consultants, technicians or other specialists who contribute expertise to the project)*
- digital equipment acquisition, installation and rental costs**
- research expenses
- promotional expenses
- other expenses related to project development. These must be detailed in the budget.
Eligible expenses are considered as of the start date for a project.
* The main professional fees (consultants, technicians and other specialists) must be supported by estimates.
** The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible only if it is necessary for the project and can’t be rented, or if the purchase cost is less than the rental cost. Receipts are required.
Maximum amount
The CALQ will not award a grant for the same expenses related to a project already supported by another program offered by the CALQ or any other organization.
Any grant awarded to a project under this support is non-recurring.
Presentation of the application
Registration deadline
October 17, 2024 An application filed for this grant program will be treated in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Only one application per applicant will be accepted. The project start date cannot be earlier than the application deadline. The date of submission online is deemed to be the date of receipt of the application. Incomplete applications and those submitted after the application deadline are not accepted. |
The CALQ sends an email acknowledgement of receipt. Applicants registered for Mon dossier CALQ can track the progress of their grant application file’s processing directly in their online file.
Apply online
Mon dossier CALQContents of the application file
The required file contents are detailed on the application form. Letters of recommendation are not submitted to the jury.
Subject to the provisions of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, the CALQ respects the confidentiality of the documents and information in its possession and of those sent to it.
Evaluation of applications
Evaluation criteria
Quality of the artistic work 40%
- Quality of past work, related to the project for wich you are submitting an application
- Artistic interest of the project
- Innovative character of the project
- Quality and relevance of any partnerships
Impact of the project 40%
- Foreseeable impact on the evolution of the artist’s practice
- Contribution of the project to the general development of knowledge and expertise related to the use of digital technology
- Potential for presentation and visibility
Feasibility 20%
- Applicant’s ability to complete the project
- Realism of the budget forecasts and schedule
- Efforts devoted to the remuneration of artists and cultural workers involved in the project
To access financial aid, you must receive a very good evaluation (at least 81%) for the feasibility criteria.
Applications are considered first by CALQ’s program managers based on eligibility conditions and the general objectives of the program.
Eligible applications are evaluated by juries, whose members are recognized for their skill in the disciplines in question. When necessary, the CALQ may choose to call upon assessors.
The jury evaluates the merit of the application based on the evaluation criteria indicated in the program. After their evaluation is complete, members make recommendations to the board of directors, which ratifies them. Decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
The CALQ will inform you of the decision regarding your application approximately three to four months after the application deadline.
If you register for Mon dossier CALQThis link will open in a new window, you will receive an email informing you to check your online file for the decision.
If your application is accepted, with the confirmation letter you will receive a document that outlines terms and conditions for the use of the grant.
If your application is declined and you have not registered for Mon dossier CALQ, the CALQ will communicate its decision in writing.
After receiving results, you may receive, upon request, the general ratings for your project made by the selection committee for each of the evaluation criteria.
The CALQ wishes to reiterate that its decisions are final and without appeal. No form of verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation towards its team after a decision is rendered, nor at any point in the application process, is tolerated.
Board members, employees and members of juries and committees of the CALQ are subject to Codes of ethics and professional conduct This link will open in a new window. All must act in good faith in performing their duties and refrain from taking part in any discussion concerning a grant application that risks creating a conflict of interest. Confidential or privileged information transmitted to them may not be used for personal reasons.
Guide for grant recipients
As a CALQ grant recipient, you must comply with the standards and terms of the allocation of grants described in the Guide for grant recipients This link will open in a new window, which presents:
- The terms for the payment of the grant.
- The requirement for artists to declare the amount of the grant, pursuant to tax laws in effect.
- The obligation for the artist to produce a report on the use of a grant once the project is complete.
- Visibility standards governing the mention of the CALQ’s contribution in promotional material associated with the grant.
Application forms and reference documents
The CALQ will not be accepting applications by mail. Mon dossier CALQ This link will open in a new window is the favoured channel for transmitting an application and for finding out the status of your file.
If this transmission mode is not available for the present program or if you cannot use it, the CALQ will receive the application file by WeTransfer. Instructions for sending are provided on the Application form – detail project.
Reference documents
- Frequently Asked Questions This link will open in a new window
- Code of ethics and professional conduct governing jury and committee members and assessors hired by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (65 KB) This link will open in a new window
- Glossary This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information This link will open in a new window
- Immigration and Refugee Protection Act This link will open in a new window
- Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, the recording arts, literature, arts and crafts and the performing arts This link will open in a new window
- Policy governing juries, committees and assessors (365 KB) This link will open in a new window